Cerro Negro Ranch

What is Cerro Negro Ranch?

Cerro Negro Ranch was acquired by Antonio Kusanovic Jersic in 1944 and is one of the attractions offered by Las Torres Patagonia to its visitors. It is currently used as a leisure spot for visitors to the hotel who are coming from Punta Arenas and who have purchased our all-inclusive program.

Cerro Negro 5

Here, guests will be welcomed with a whole lamb roasted over a fire and then be able to see a traditional Patagonian spectacle: the shearing of the ranch’s sheep or a herding demonstration by our trained dogs.

Another attraction at the ranch is the House Museum, the former residence of Antonio Kusanovic Jersic, whose possessions are kept inside to show how the family lived during the first half of the twentieth century.


You can see a video about the Cerro Negro ranch at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cinvkGuqCss