Clothing and Gear

What clothing and gear do I need to bring?

The following gear is recommended for the hiking circuits: 

We recommend making two lists of clothing and accessories: one for what you will need during the hike (outdoor clothing), and the other to make sure you are comfortable in the hostel or campsite.

For hiking/backpacking:

  • 40-45 liter hiking backpack. It is important to protect the items inside your backpack from rain. You can use dry bags, zip lock bags, and/or a garbage bag that you use as a liner inside the backpack.
  • Comfortable boots or hiking shoes (if you have new hiking shoes, it is recommended to break them in before the trip so that they are more comfortable for long hours of walking). 
  • Synthetic or wool socks, merino wool for cold weather (use the best socks you have for hiking!)
  • Quick-drying and comfortable hiking pants
  • Upper body and lower body base layers 
  • Fleece jacket/pullover
  • Jacket with Primaloft-type synthetic material
  • Rain jacket and pants
  • Gaiters, in the event of mud, snow, or water (suggested)
  • Hat (for warmth and shade)
  • Gloves
  • Buff-type scarves, bandana, etc.
  • Sunglasses with UV filter
  • Clothing and items for after your hike:
  • Comfortable, lightweight shoes (sneakers, sandals, Crocs, etc.)
  • Comfortable pants and T-shirt, like pajamas
  • Underwear
  • Toiletries
  • Quick-drying towel


  • Camera with extra batteries or charger
  • Headlamp with new batteries
  • Water bottle or container
  • Sunscreen (SPF 45+)
  • Lip balm
  • Mosquito repellent (we suggest bringing mosquito repellent from Puerto Natales or another city)
  • Nuts, dried fruit, granola or protein bars for the hike (remember to take your trash with you)
  • First-aid kit with essential medicines (painkillers, antihistamines, antispasmodics, etc.). No medication of any kind can be purchased in the park. Moleskin-type patches, Compeed, and KT Tape to prevent injuries and blisters, as well as a bleeding control kit, etc.

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