National Park Rules

What are the park rules?

The national park has very clear rules that must be respected by all visitors:

Some important rules include:

- Buy your admission pass at:
- Prior reservation is required to sleep in the park
- Fires are prohibited, the use of stoves is only allowed in authorized areas, except in the Chileno           sector, which is strictly prohibited due to the high risk of fire.
- Do not stray from the designated trails.
- No camping in unauthorized sectors.
- Smoking is prohibited on trails. 

- Any trash you produce during your visit to the National Park must go with you when you leave. If       you leave garbage in the park you will be fined up to $200,000 pesos (Law 21,123).
- It is prohibited to fly drones or radio-controlled devices without special permission.
- Do not feed wildlife or get too close.
- Pets are not allowed.

- No biking is allowed on the trails.

- Swimming is prohibited in the park’s bodies of water (lakes, lagoons, and rivers) due to the high           risk of drowning.

- Paragliding, base jumping, and skydiving are not allowed.
