What animals will I see at Cerro Negro?
There are between 2,000 and 4,000 sheep at Cerro Negro, depending on the month of the year, and about 300 head of cattle.
A sheep on the ranch can produce approximately 4.5 kilograms (3 lbs.) of wool. Every 100 ewes can give birth to around 90 lambs, depending on their location in the region.
There are also sheepdogs. The Patagonia Sheepdog is a breed of dog that originated in the region. Developed to work with sheep, it is noted for its ability to withstand harsh weather conditions and its innate instinct for herding.
It is known for its intelligence, submissiveness, and ability to withstand extreme cold and snow. In addition to being considered part of the region's heritage, the Kennel Club, an organization in charge of selecting and standardizing dog breeds, is working to achieve national and international recognition of the breed. This breed requires proper care and regular veterinary attention due to possible health problems such as hip dysplasia and twisted stomach.
Cerro Negro Ranch currently has 2 breeds of dogs: the Barbucho Magallánico and the Maresma or Pirineo. The first originated from the mixture between the British Collie and the dogs that lived on the ranch.
They are very obedient dogs and great herders. The second type has a coat much like a sheep's and from a very young age they are trained to assimilate into the flock as part of it, which makes them one of the group. They take excellent care of the sheep and leave none behind.